Lessons Living Abroad


Familiarity is as essential as routine, if not MORE

I’ve learned that keeping familiar things around my family and me is the key to limiting the  homesickness and feeling of being out of place that overseas life presents. There are certain things I like to do in our home, and one thing is breakfast. I want to cook it; I love to eat it, & my family enjoys it. So we have a few different things we do pretty much no matter where we are when it comes to breakfast; those things are pancakes, bacon, coffee and tea, oatmeal with apples and honey, you get the picture.

I believe this can be a helpful tip for you. No matter if you live overseas or you just endure a lot of change in life. 

Maybe you have to pivot often while keeping emotional and mental stability. 

Remember this, keep the things you love close to you. 

Distance will not only make the heart grow fonder, but it can also strengthen the love you have for yourself

I’ve learned to enjoy solitude and discovering who I am in different environments. Different cultures bring out other elements & versions of you, and you never really come home the same person.

In my experience, you come home a better version of yourself.

Contrary to Issac Newton, I believe space and time are not fixed things. 

Space and time are fluid, and it can feel like you’re in a time capsule living in another country. 

You observe things from America and experience them VIA internet, and then you have your own life overseas... When you get home, it can feel like you missed a lot, but at the same time missed nothing. 

Time is a strange thing; make the most of it. 

The time WILL pass anyway, and you won’t think much of it other than you’ll be glad to have had the experiences you did...


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Hello, My Love...